Folding reading glasses merge the convenience of folding glasses and the benefits of reading glasses. Let’s take a deeper look into how they make our lives easier.
Author Archives: charlotte
How to Read Your Eye Prescription
Understand your eye prescription to know the severity of your visual impairment and shop online for prescription glasses.
A Guide to Oakley Lenses
Are you thinking about purchasing Oakley® sunglasses but don’t know which lenses to go for? Or maybe you want to know what are Oakley prizm lenses?
What To Know Before Ordering Contact Lenses
The purchase of all types of contact lenses requires a valid contact lens prescription – which can’t be the same of your glasses prescription – written by a qualified eye care practitioner. This is true even for plano lenses with no vision correction purposes, colored contact lenses or special-effect lenses that are worn for cosmetic purposes only.
What are Computer Glasses
While we used to need eyeglasses for newspapers, manuals, mail, and other forms of print, we now access these resources straight from the internet. As our digital age develops, our glasses should too. That’s why computer glasses are more important than ever before.
How to Buy Your Eyeglasses Online
It can seem confusing at first to understand what all the numbers and words on your prescription really mean. You might notice on your glasses themselves, at the temples, you can find your glasses measurements.
What Are Prescription Sunglasses?
Are you constantly straining your eyes to see while wearing non-prescription sunglasses outside? If you wear prescription glasses every day, it’s time to invest in a pair of prescription sunglasses to wear outdoors.
Astigmatism: Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatment
Have you found yourself wondering why your vision is blurred or distorted? Do you also get eyestrain or headaches in combination with unfocused vision?
How Do You Know What Strength Reading Glasses to Get?
As the name suggests, reading glasses are glasses that help read, see objects in close range or complete daunting tasks like threading a needle.
Nearsighted Glasses – What you need to know
If you’re looking into nearsighted glasses, chances are you already know you’re nearsighted and need a pair of specs or want to learn more about the condition.